32 Ways To Reverse The Aging Process

32 Ways To Reverse The Aging Process

How then, do I begin to reverse the aging process, or is it even possible? The answer is yes. Remember, this is NOT a MAGIC BULLET solution as almost all TV advertising would have you believe. You need a WHOLE BODY, WHOLE SYSTEMS PROGRAM approach, like the one you are looking at right now!

This program will address in detail the 32 anti-aging issues below and guide you on the journey to a youthful new you. These are the physiologic processes that you must understand and pay attention to:

Age Reversing Processes

  1. Alkalinity and Acidity Balance, inflammation and obesity control
  2. ATP, Generation of energy production
  3. Auto-Immune Control, balancing of Secretory IgA
  4. Bio-Energized Water (living water), cellular hydration
  5. Blood Sugar Control, the metabolic syndrome
  6. Blood Viscosity, ZSP. Zeta-Spin Potential
  7. Bone Porosity and EMT, Electro-Magnetic Therapy
  8. Cellular Membrane Integrity, ion channels, balancing the redox-potential
  9. Cell- Receptor Site Sensitivity, Receptor Signaling
  10. Chelation, Zeolites, and Heavy Metal Toxicity
  11. Detoxification and liver cleansing, cleaning your oil filter
  12. Dietary Endocrinology, you are what you eat and absorb
  13. DNA Protection, via methylation and MTHF Reductase testing
  14. Enzyme Balance, for proper digestion and metabolism
  15. FROS Control, free radical oxidative stress control
  16. Hormonal Balance, this is the symphony conductor for the whole body
  17. Inflammatory Control and control of NFK beta
  18. Iodine levels, including proper salt and mineral levels
  19. LGS , Stomach pH, probiotics and the microbiome
  20. Muscle Mass, BIA, BMI, VPP, vibrational power plate usage
  21. NEI Axis, the neuro, endocrine, immune -axis
  22. Neurotransmitter Balance, stop the loss of brain voltage by neurogenesis
  23. Nutri-Genomics, what you eat affects your genes
  24. O2 Utilization and HRV, heart rate variability
  25. Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Nervous System, the ultimate in stress control
  26. Periodontal Health, povidine iodine and saturated salt solution
  27. Phytonutrient, glycoprotein Integrity, 8 essentials sugars, glycophospholipids
  28. Mitochondrial support and, the energy cycle
  29. Sirtuin Gene Suppression by trans-Resveratrol and ECGC, green tea extract
  30. Sleep and OSA, obstructive sleep apnea and insomnia solutions
  31. Stress Control, HPA-Axis control, adrenal support and fatigue control
  32. Vitamin D3, this is an amazing hormone, not just a vitamin
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