


2oz 8oz




2oz 8oz
Product description

Say hello to healthy, gorgeous skin! Oxymist is both gentle and effective in minimizing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It contains the powerful combination of HOCl and electrolyzed oxygenated water for glowing skin.

OxyMist is antibacterial, anti-parasitic, antiviral, anti-fungal, and antimicrobial.

Oxymist is the all-natural and safe way to help your skin stay healthy, beautiful, and clear. Mist it on your face and body for these amazing benefits:

  • cleanses, purifies, and hydrates skin
  • minimizes fine lines and wrinkles, while brightening face
  • helps reduce the appearance of redness of irritated skin
  • helps relieve the frustration of eczema-prone skin
  • perfect for all skin types and ideal for moisturizing dry skin
  • works in concert with the body’s natural restorative process
  • soothes minor irritations and burns
  • eco-friendly & non-toxic
  • safe to use around eyes, ears, nose, and mouth

OxyMist is safe for babies and children! It contains healing properties for skin rashes, burns, bites, etc.

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