Importance of Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal

Importance of Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal

The purpose of removing mercury amalgam from your teeth is to eliminate a major source of heavy metal toxins and thus inflammation from entering your body's biosystem.

However, the removal of mercury "silver" amalgam is potentially extremely dangerous to you, me, and my staff. It is also dangerous to the environment if certain proven safety measures are not followed. Read how safe mercury amalgam removal should be done to reduce toxicity.

The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) protocol that is used includes, most if not all, of the following:

Supplements to include cleansing foods that you can begin any time prior to your appointment

• A water tight rubber dam barrier, flossed around the necks of the teeth

• A saliva ejector placed under the barrier to remove mercury vapor

• A high speed suction placed next to the operating field, called clean-ups

• Rather than drilling the mercury indiscriminately, we section and remove the filling in chunks

• A high volume Dent-Air-Vacuum placed next to your chin (Elephant trunk)**

• A negative ion generator placed in the office to bind up any mercury vapor that escapes the vacuums

Activated charcoal applied behind the rubber dam

Copious amounts of water sprayed at the amalgam to keep it cool

Available medical oxygen delivered through a N2O monitoring system mask

Hg-X and NAC, sprinkled on the rubber dam

• A mercury trap (mercury separator) in place that contains 100% of the mercury waste ensuring environmental concerns

Final Thoughts

These steps are taken to provide your body with the least amount of mercury exposure possible thus allowing the best possible chance of an improvement to your health.

“Those who are looking to help will find a way, those whom are not will find an excuse!”

See my article on What Really Causes Tooth Decay!

Find a Holistic Dentist for Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal

I believe the mouth is the window to your body and health. Our Nashville practice offers services that reflect this belief as we strive to provide a mercury-free and mercury-safe office for our patients. We use cutting-edge technology and procedures to offer the best services possible. Visit us at the Centre for Holistic and Biological Dentistry.

Find a mercury-free dentist in your area here.

** Our equipment has been tested by NASA mercury vapor test equipment and has been shown to be 100% effective at capturing any expelled Mercury vapor.

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