Dentistry has been trying, for years, to figure out why some people get rampant decay and others pay no attention to their oral care or diet, and rarely, if ever experience dental decay. So...
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What is Hypochlorous Acid? Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is a natural substance that your body secretes from neutrophil cells. The role of HOCl in the body is to neutralize the inflammatory...
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Bio-Oxidative Therapies in Dentistry Ozone therapy is referred to as a type of Bio-Oxidative Therapy. Oxygen therapy is not new, just forgotten, until now! In 1857 “The Lan...
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“Silent Inflammation, is a condition that occurs when the body’s natural immune response goes awry. It’s been linked to heart disease, cancer, diabetes, even dementia and other health threats, and it can go on for years, undetected.” -...
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Excerpt - the shorter version goes here.
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