The Amazing Health Benefits of Oil Pulling

The Amazing Health Benefits of Oil Pulling

Oil pulling has its roots in Ayurvedic Medicine. It is an ancient Indian technique that draws out toxins from the inflamed oral gingival tissues and exhibits anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal benefits. This procedure is useful for many oral health conditions.

How Does Oil Pulling Work?

Everything in your body is connected! The Good Lord designed it that way. When you have inflammation or an infection in your mouth, cell-signaling compounds are produced by your liver called, cytokines.

These inflammatory cytokines tell your inflammatory system that your body is on fire and turns on a transcription switch called NF-Kb or Nuclear Factor-kappa Beta. This starts the process of continued elevated chronic inflammation and the beginnings of Chronic Degenerative Disease (CDD).

Your mouth is home to many billions of bacteria, yeast, and viruses, some good, some not-so-good. These bugs can travel around systemically and override the cellular barriers designed to protect you. The first signs of trouble are red, inflamed and bleeding gums. Next is periodontal disease and this can affect your heart, lungs, pregnancies, and all of your major organ systems.

At this point, the bugs can enter your bloodstream through the Gingival Sulcus Barrier and wreak havoc, by causing inflammation in the arterial endothelial layer of your blood vessels. This whole process sends the immune system into over-drive! But you can begin to reverse the process by oil-pulling!

This ancient detoxification protocol pulls the toxins out of your gum tissues and teeth, including failed root canal infections, etc. It also protects tissues due to the oil’s anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and viricidal nature. It can also interfere with plaque biofilms by making them less sticky!

7 Benefits of Oil Pulling 

1. Fresher, better breath and less decay, especially in your children!
2. Decreasing oral, gingival, and periodontal infections
3. Decreasing non- beneficial oral bacteria, along with decreasing systemic infections and disease.
4. Decreased Oral inflammation, AKA- gingivitis and bleeding gums
5. Decreased Cardio-Vascular Disease. (CVD)
6. A healthier, less active immune system, with fewer colds
7. A healthier, better functioning probiotic bacterial ratio by increasing the beneficial bacteria.

Coconut oil is an MCT (Medium Chain Triglyceride). It kills candida and is a very healthy fat that is also very good for your gut!

How and When Do I Oil Pull?

  • Oil pull for 10-20 minutes in the morning, then spit out in the trash! Do not swallow the oil.
  • Brush with baking soda, then...
  • Add 21 drops of ConcenTrace® Mineral Drops into a glass of water, then drink!
  • Rinse with food-grade hydrogen peroxide, we suggest BR from Essential Oxygen's BR Organic Rinse. You can also rinse with baking soda, as this increases the alkalinity in your mouth, thereby decreasing plaque, dental biofilm, and decay!
  • You can use 1 tablespoon of either sesame or coconut oil or a mixture of both. Swish vigorously forcing the mixture through your teeth for 10-20 minutes, then spit in the garbage, not in your sink! Otherwise, it will harden and block your plumbing lines if you spit in the sink or toilet.

Here's to better oral health holistically!

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