What Causes the Loss of Smell and Taste?

What Causes the Loss of Smell and Taste?

Loss of smell and taste are problems not fully understood, nor often addressed. Some suspected causes are mineral deficiencies and the results of the aging process.  Decreased salivation and a decrease in taste bud activity is also contributory.

I'm listing below some suspected causes and some natural remedies you can try.

Loss of Smell and Taste Etiology (Causation)

  • Nasal polyps on the mucosa
  • Nasal sinusitis and yeast
  • Nasal or septal blockage
  • Sinus and or dental infections
  • Loss of macro- minerals, especially zinc!
  • Yeast infections, Candidiasis
  • Aging and hormonal decline
  • Taste bud atrophy
  • Improper metal ratios and or heavy metal toxicity build-up
  • Loss of B-6 and Molybdenum, from Biotics lecture
  • Loss of nerve function, especially the glossopharyngeal nerve.

Natural Remedies to Help with Loss of Taste and Smell

If you suffer from Nasal Sinusitis or Nasal Polyps, you may want to give these natural tips a try:

  • Rinse intra-nasally with sea salt and baking soda (use a Neti -Pot)
  • Put sea salt in a large bowl with water, add baking soda and begin snorting the solution 20 times per day. There is no magic amount as to how much of any of the ingredients to use.
  • Use a bulb, syringe or Neti- Pot to flush through your nose. Use unrefined sea salt.
  • Add the Argentyn-23 regimen alongside this therapy, 4 times a day. (Argentyn-23 is a very effective and safe antibiotic, not dilute).
  • Stay away from the surgical option of removing nasal polyps because it is usually very- painful and ineffective. Polyps can line the nasal mucosa and depending how many there are, they will need to be surgically removed, one at a time or all at once, and there is a 50% chance of them returning.
  • The most common cause of Chronic Sinusitis is a yeast or fungal infection, in part, driven by over indulging with continual rounds of antibiotics. This in fact drives up the fungal component and it's the fungal component that makes it chronic.
  • COLOSTRUM has high levels of Secretory IgA and antibodies. This boosts immunity and is immuno-protective. Can use bovine colostrum from New Zealand.
  • Increase your UNREFINED SALT INTAKE, as this increases your pH, thereby decreasing inflammation.

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