Is a Root Canal Dangerous?
Is a Root Canal Dangerous?

What Is Root Canal Therapy? Root canal therapy is also known as endodontic treatment, and it is a common dental procedure to remove infection from inside a tooth. It inv...

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Does Hypochlorous Acid Help with Clostridium Difficile (C-Diff)?
Does Hypochlorous Acid Help with Clostridium Difficile (C-Diff)?

Clostridium difficile, aka C-Diff, has resulted in a rather common infection diagnosis, with approximately 200,000 cases per year. Clostridium difficile is readily transmissible by traveling bacterial spores from person to person and notably hard to ge...

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Dr. Thom's Heavy Metal Detoxification for Better Health
Dr. Thom's Heavy Metal Detoxification for Better Health

We live in an ever-increasingly-toxic environment. The evidence is all around us and within us! Once-a-year detoxification measures are really not enough for the massive chemical assault that we are under on a daily basis. Daily attention to diet, life...

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Hypochlorous Acid Helps Smooth Fine Lines and Wrinkles
Hypochlorous Acid Helps Smooth Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Hypochlorous acid has gained popularity as an effective ingredient that helps with anti-aging. It is being manufactured as a highly diluted mist spray that helps smooth fine lines and wrinkles in the skin. Knowing how it works and the components that m...

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Should Your Mouth Be Acidic or Alkaline?
Should Your Mouth Be Acidic or Alkaline?

If you wonder whether your mouth should be acidic or alkaline (base), I'll explain why your mouth should be alkaline. As a holistic and biological dentist, I'll share with you the importance of alka...

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The Health Benefits of Raw Milk
The Health Benefits of Raw Milk

Today’s commercial Holstein cows are bred to produce large amounts of milk. This processed milk contains high levels of growth hormone, engineered bovine growth hormone, and this pushes them to their “udder limits” of milk production. They are mostly f...

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The Amazing Benefits of OSA Silidyn and Absorbable Silica
The Amazing Benefits of OSA Silidyn and Absorbable Silica

A mentor of mine at an A4M conference once said, “If you become osteoporotic, or you experience significant BONE LOSS, you are in trouble intellectually”. WOW, was that a revelati...

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My Remineralization Diet for Strong Bones and Teeth
My Remineralization Diet for Strong Bones and Teeth

Your body does a fantastic job at compensating for injury. Each organ system and each of your estimated 70 trillion cells is DNA-programmed to repair themselves. The proces...

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